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From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (148)

  What The Die Mystics Know Outside? No, inside “First clean the inside of the cup, so that the outside also may become clean.” ‭‭ ‭‭Matthew ‭23‬:‭26‬ ‭NRSV                  ‬ “If your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light.” ‭‭Luke ‭11‬:‭34‬ ‭NRSV                          The Conversation Elements From The Conversation ~ ❖ ~ The Seventh Angel In Circles In A Forest Daleen Matthee tells the following story: When the earth was finished being created and man came to live on earth, the seven chief angels of heaven gathered to decide on a very serious matter. They had to decide where they could hide the power of God so that man would not get it too soon and misuse it. The first angel suggested that they should hide it on the moon. Yes, on the moon, the others agreed. But the seventh angel said: No, man is clever. One day he will know how to get to the moon; we must l...
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Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (148)

Wat Die Mistici Weet Buite? Nee, binne “Maak eers die binnekant van die beker skoon, dan sal ook die buitekant skoon wees.” ‭‭Matteus‬ ‭23‬:‭26‬ ‭AFR20‬                  ‬ “As jou oog suiwer is, is jou hele liggaam ook verlig....” ‭‭Lukas‬ ‭11‬:‭34‬ ‭AFR20‬‬                      Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek ~ ❖ ~ Die Sewende Engel In Kringe In 'n Bos vertel Daleen Matthee die volgende storie: Toe die aarde klaar geskape was en die mens op die aarde kom woon het, het die sewe hoofengele van die hemel vergader om oor ‘n baie ernstige saak te besluit. Hulle moes besluit waar hulle die krag van God kan wegsteek sodat die mens dit nie te gou sal kry en misbruik nie.  Die eerste engel het voorgestel dat hulle dit op die maan moet wegsteek. Ja, op die maan, het die ander saamgestem. Maar die sewende engel sê: Nee, die mens is slim. Hy gaan eendag weet om op die maan te kom; ons moe...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (147)

  What The Mystics Know Introduction The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Music Morten Lauridsen's O Magnum Mysterium  (O Great Mystery) With our love. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (147)

Wat Die Mistici Weet Inleiding Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Musiek Morten Lauridsen se O Magnum Mysterium  (O Grootse Misterie) Met ons liefde. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (146)

Our Wise Guide - Our Body Hello everyone Still no recording. Which is half unexpected, because we should've been better this week from the cold/flu we had last week. Well, that's not the case. Matilda is getting better, but her strength is still low. George has to behave even more quietly than last week, after the doctor diagnosed him with bronchitis. There is no doubt in our minds that such times of less activity and rest are essential. Our bodies are wise guides that take us to places that lie outside the sphere of our heads. It does not help to fight against those bodily messages. However, it is striking how difficult it is often for us to scale back and become quieter. How our inability to be busy, to finish things and to look back on a productive day plays into our identity and mood. How easily we feel guilty. What we use as criteria to justify our existence. Such a time of illness brings you back to the meaning and value of the spiritual truths that have become clearer to...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (146)

Ons Wyse Gids - Ons Lyf Hallo julle Steeds nie 'n opname nie. Wat half onverwags is, want ons sou mos hierdie week beter wees van die verkoue/griep wat ons verlede week gehad het. Toe nie. Matilda is aan die gesond word, maar haar kragte is maar steeds laag. George moet hom selfs stiller as verlede week gedra, nadat die dokter vasgestel het dat hy brongitis het. Daar is by ons geen twyfel dat sulke tye van minder bedrywig wees en rus noodsaaklik is nie. Ons lywe is wyse gidse wat ons by plekke uitbring wat buite die sfeer van ons koppe lê. Dit help nie om teen daardie liggamlike boodskappe te stry nie. Dis egter opvallend hoe moeilik dit dikwels vir ons is om af te skaal en stiller te word. Hoe ons onvermoë om besig te wees, dinge af te handel en op 'n produktiewe dag terug te kyk, op ons identiteit en gemoed inspeel. Hoe maklik ons skuldig voel. Wat ons as maatstawwe gebruik om ons bestaan te regverdig. So 'n tyd van siek wees bring jou telkens terug na die sin en waarde v...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (145)

  God, And The Place Where I Live Our voices are so thick and scratchy from bad colds that we were unable to make a recording this week. However, we hope to still do justice to this important theme of the place where we live, our home, yard, environment, our space, wherever it is, as the space where God is experienced. Where God is. The more intimately we engage with this space in all its shades and seasons, the more intimate the bond with God becomes. Wallace Stevens once said: "We live in the description of a place and not in the place itself." It cannot just be a superficial experience, a description. We must enter into the fibre of our place. A couch potato approach will not do the trick. You have to be on ground level: Where does the rush grass sprout after the heavy rain? The Black Sparrowhawks have been quiet this year. Why? Does anyone have any idea how many species of grass there are? Why do the fountains bubble up in those particular places at the foot of Tafelkop? ...