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Type 3 - The Best

Exploring the Enneagram through art. (continued)
Threes achieve great success in their lives and are looked up to as role models. They believe in developing their talents and capabilities to reach their full potential. 

As children however, Threes were not valued for themselves, but for being and doing certain things extremely well. A pattern is set whereby Threes live with the belief that you are good or okay if you are successful and others think well of you because of your achievements and performance. 

To mask their insecurities about their worth, Threes tend to present themselves in a way that does not reflect their authentic self, but rather a version of themselves that they feel are called for in each situation to achieve success. In a sense, they wear "masks" to ensure that they will be accepted.

Their Life essence  emerges when Threes shift their centre of gravity from outside themselves to inside by allowing their hearts to guide them rather than be motivated by outside approval.

An eagle was chosen to represent the essence of the Three. It is however dressed in a chameleon mask to symbolize how their essential potential for success is masked because of their fear of not being accepted for who they are; motivated by outside approval rather than trusting their own hearts to guide them to the great heights of which they are quite capable. As they become connected with their heart, their behaviour becomes genuine and they are models of authenticity. 
The sculpture is mounted in a high plinth of hardwood to depict the eagle’s natural tendency to perch high in order to rise from that vantage point. 
Materials used: Ceramic clay, Sleeper Hardwood, iron screws. Size: 120cm high x 30cm wide x 40cm deep

Artwork by Matilda Clifford and George Angus



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