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Type 6: The Doubter

Exploring the Enneagram through Art (continued) 
Anxiety is the Signature trait of this personality. Troubleshooters and stalwarts, guardians. Their fear of having no support or guidance drives them to always act in the appropriate or expected way. They do not feel that they are able to survive on their own and are forever seeking guidance and validation from outside themselves and especially in power structures, such as the Bible, state, science.

They are loyalists and often overcommit themselves and may feel taken advantage of. Sixes need to get in touch with their own inner guidance to stop scuttling back and forth between whatever influence is the strongest in any given moment. In that respect Sixes are bundles of opposites.

They attain a sense of peace when they get grounded in the here and now and face their fears. They learn to trust their inner authority and guidance and become courageous and self-reliant.

The sculpture shows a very anxious and cowering figure sitting on the edge of a thick disc of granite. This shows their fear of having no support or guidance while in essence they are held safely  and discover this when  they come to trust their own inner guidance and become grounded in their own existence. 

We loved the image used in the book The Wisdom of the Enneagram, of the emergence of essence of the Six as a feeling of “standing on a massive bed of granite” and used it. The perfectly round granite disc symbolizes the unending and ever present support available to us in the omnipresence of God. (The picture on the right was taken before we had acquired the piece of granite on which it is now mounted.)

Materials used: Ceramic clay, Rustenburg granite. Size: 27cm high x 40cm wide x 40cm deep

Artwork by Matilda Clifford and George Angus


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