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Come play!

Notes from a different drummer
Learning the unforced rhythms of grace.

The glory of God is a human being fully alive.

- St. Ireneaus

The practical How
Soul Nurturing

Living a contemplative life starts here. In this place, at this time, with this body, mind and soul known as Me. It can happen in no other way. Nothing more is needed. We have everything we need (and more) to move in one instance from being nowhere in particular, to being on the contemplative way.

All it takes is a waking up to it, as we have pointed out in It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.

The notes from a different drummer, like rain, had fallen onto the pregnant soil of your soul. Soon a tender shoot starts showing. The seed of the Essential You is sprouting. How do we tend this into growing into a life that will bear the incredible harvest only you are capable of? 

By careful and deliberate nurturing, like you would a rare sapling or a new-born baby.

This is very important. All through our lives we are to be both our own nurturer and nurtured. Please take careful note of this. We are to love ourselves. 

Jesus summarizes the whole of Moses’s laws into the love of God and the love of self. Yet, early in life, most of us abandon our vulnerable inner self, after first creating an almost impenetrable wall around it, and spend our lives projecting our love outwardly mostly. We serve, deliver, pitch in, support, carry  and care with and for others, hardly ever allowing ourselves to consider the abandoned child inside of us. The Christian message of loving our neighours as we love ourselves became distorted along the way and we have come to believe that this neglect is what it means to show humility, to turn the other cheek or sacrifice our lives.

 So estranged are we from our inner selves that we imagine it to be the whole of us engaging with the life we have created. It rarely is. A crucial part had been left behind which now sits wide awake, waiting for us to break down the wall.

Augustine stated that the journey into the self is the journey home to God. My personal experience is that this is true.  The process of integrating body, mind and soul is pretty much what the contemplative life is about. And progress along this way of life is dependent on this.

Nurturing of the inner self will be as individual as we are. Nevertheless there are a couple of universal tools that we will use to get to the core of who we really are, while paradoxically all along growing in awareness of God as well. In the next couple of posts we will look at each of these:
  • Wake-up notes;
  • Treat time;
  • Walking;
  • Healthy habits (Cultivating a spiritual practice);
  • Soul Friendship (Spiritual direction)

Have you noticed a quickening inside of you while reading this post? A tiny flicker of nervous excitement like the night before going to the circus? Get to know this feeling. It comes from your soul. Your inner child.




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