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Knitting a Community

“You will find out that Charity is a heavy burden to carry,
heavier than the kettle of soup and the full basket.
But you will keep your gentleness and your smile.
 It is not enough to give soup and bread.
This the rich can do.
You are the servant of the poor, always smiling and good-humored.
They are your masters, terribly sensitive and exacting master you will see.
And the uglier and the dirtier they will be, the more unjust and insulting,
the more love you must give them.
It is only for your love alone that the poor will forgive you
the bread you give to them.”

                                                                              - St. Vincent de Paul

It is the annual knitting marathon of the CMR (English: Christian Social Council) of Volksrust. Quite a big do with the whole community involved. Teams, with each member being sponsored, enter under specific themes, complete with décor, war cries and costumes.

As proud members of team Funky, Sebastien and I are in on it too with Matilda showing us the ropes (pardon the pun) the week before. She’s got us to the point where we’re averaging about 9 rows an hour, gaps and knots included. I score in the process without planning it that way – I’ve always wanted to learn to knit before I am 60. Now I have a reason.

Matilda suggests I get firmer needles, so on Friday afternoon, before going to the church hall, we quickly pop in at the local yarn shop. In choosing the right pair I feel like Harry Potter in Mr Ollivander’s wand shop. The world of magic is about to open up before me.

She is standing to the side of the counter where we wait to pay. Toothless, weathered face, holding the ball of knitting wool nervously in her hand. “I’ll come and square up next week,” we hear her say to the shopkeeper who nods in agreement.

To our big surprise she is sitting at one of the team tables later that evening. With her ball of wool that still has to be paid off. She actually has come overly prepared – knitting wool is supplied by the CMR. Amid all the hustle and bustle we’re not able to see whether she has taken a handout or has stuck with what she has purchased.

The evening was a huge success with everybody having fun and our envisioned purpose being served.

We, as privileged members of the community, organize and partake in the knitting marathon to raise funds to help those less privileged and in need.

I think there’s actually more to it.



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