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Showing posts from April, 2024

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (109)

Love Your Enemy “You’re familiar with the old written law,  ‘Love your friend,’  and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’  I’m challenging that.  I’m telling you to love your enemies.  Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst.  When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the supple moves of prayer,  for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves.  This is what God does.  He gives his best—the sun to warm and the rain to nourish— to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty.  If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus?  Anybody can do that.  If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal?  Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that.  “In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up.  You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it.  Live out your God-created identity.  Live generously and graciously toward others,  the ...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (109)

  Jy Moet Jou Vyand Liefhê “Julle het gehoor dat daar gesê is:  ‘Jou naaste moet jy liefhê en jou vyand moet jy haat.’  Maar Ek sê vir julle:  Julle moet julle vyande liefhê, en julle moet bid vir dié wat vir julle vervolg,  sodat julle kinders kan wees van julle Vader in die hemel.  Hy laat immers sy son opkom oor slegtes en goeies,  en Hy laat reën oor dié wat reg doen en oor dié wat verkeerd doen.  As julle net dié liefhet wat vir julle liefhet,  watter loon kan julle dan nog verwag?  Maak die tollenaars nie ook maar net so nie?  En as julle net julle broers groet, wat doen julle meer as ander?  Maak die heidene nie ook maar net so nie?“ ‭‭ Matt 5‬:‭43‬-‭47‬ ‭                               Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek   "The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook on life. That I ...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (108)

God's Beloved ”So God created man in his own image,  in the image of God he created him;  male and female he created them.  And God saw everything that he had made,  and behold, it was very good." ‭‭Gen ‭1‬:‭27, 31                                  ‬ The Conversation Elements From The Conversation "God is love" comes alive, tangible, when somebody loves me.  Music ”.....  that you, being rooted and grounded in love,  may have power to comprehend with all the saints  what is the breadth and length and height and depth,  and to know the love of Christ  which surpasses knowledge,  that you may be filled  with all the fulness of God.“ ‭‭Ephesians ‭3‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭                                                     And with...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (108)

  God Se Geliefde ”God het die mens geskep as sy verteenwoordiger,  as beeld van God het Hy die mens geskep,  man en vrou het Hy hulle geskep.“ ”Toe het God gekyk na alles wat Hy gemaak het,  en dit was baie goed.“ ‭‭Gen ‭1‬:‭27, 31                                  ‬ Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek "God is liefde" word lewendig en tasbaar wanneer iemand vir my lief is. Musiek ”Mag julle in staat wees  om saam met al die gelowiges te begryp  hoe wyd en ver en hoog en diep  die liefde van Christus strek.  Mag julle sy liefde ken,  liefde wat ons verstand te bowe gaan,  en mag julle heeltemal vervul word  met die volheid van God.“ ‭‭Efes‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭                                                     En met ons lie...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (107)

  Under Difficult Circumstances The Conversation (The sound in the background that you hear at some point during the conversation, is Skhumbuzo mowing the lawn with the tractor. Here it is a case of: when the sun shines, you try to make a dent in the grass.) Elements From The Conversation Sebastien visiting with family between hospital admissions Music "My life has been made livable by two things: the love that I've given and the love that I've received." CJ Langenhoven                                      Thank you. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (107)

'n Moeilike Tyd Die Gesprek (Die geluid wat julle op 'n punt in die gesprek in die agtergrond hoor, is Skhumbuzo wat met die trekker grassny. Hier is dit 'n geval van: as die son skyn, probeer jy die gras tem.) Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Sebastien kuier saam met familie tussen hospitaal-opnames Musiek "Deur twee dinge is my lewe vir my leefbaar gemaak: die liefde wat ek gegee het en die liefde wat ek gekry het." CJ Langenhoven                                     Dankie. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (106)

Small Acts, Large Impact ” you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.“ ‭‭Matt ‭25‬:‭40‬                           The Conversation Elements From The Conversation  Music Go! Go with haste! Go fast! Never stop going out, Out from the peace and quietness, Out to the noise and uneasiness, Out to the laughter and the tears. Carry with you the bread of life that you received As a treasure in your hands and in your heart. Share it, again and again. It will always be enough, If you continue to break it. From a Norwegian Liturgical Poem                  With our love. Always. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (106)

Klein Dade, Groot Effek ”Vir sover julle dit aan een van die geringste van hierdie broers van My gedoen het,  het julle dit aan My gedoen.“ ‭‭Matt ‭25‬:‭40‬                           Die Gesprek  Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  Musiek   Gaan! Gaan gou! Gaan vinnig! Moet nooit ophou om te gaan nie, Uit die vrede en stilte, Uit na die geraas en onrus, Uit na die lag en die trane. Dra die brood van die lewe saam wat jy ontvang het As 'n skat in jou hande en in jou hart. Deel dit, weer en weer. Dit sal altyd genoeg wees, As jy aanhou om dit te breek.          N.a.v 'n Noorweegse Liturgiese gebed         (Vertaling: George Angus)                 Met ons liefde. Altyd. George & Matilda

Material For A Plan

Maybe I'm exaggerating. But what's left of a good account if you can't stretch it? And somewhere in there is a kernel of truth, and the elements for a solution, if you listen carefully. With all the space we have, it feels as if I’m limited in movement. Here at Tafelkop it rains and rains and rains in summer. And if it's not raining, there's the mist. With the result that anything that can handle that much moisture, and the cold of our winters, thrives. Which is mainly the grass in general and Kikuyu in particular. Like a wave it rises around the orchard and the garden. Our mowed lawn ends against a wall of green. It is a weekly effort to hold back the tide. It is beautiful to behold, but it hampers movement. You feel like you’re going on an expedition just to reach the base of Tafelkop. It’s the same in whatever direction you venture. It’s a challenge for the dogs as well. They totally disappear in the abundant growth. Molly has developed a leaps and bounds style o...