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Showing posts from October, 2017

Barrowfield Sky

There is just something about the sky here.... I share Mark Woodward's awe, even though we're from different parts of the world. So Much Bigger Than You Somewhere in flatter-than-flat western Kansas, a patch of sky blue  next to the edge of a golden orange-to-red cloud  reflecting the setting sun is just so beautiful that you want to pause,  hold your breath,  soak it in all in, but it is so much bigger than you,  you can’t take it all in, so you finally let go,  and breathe. And be with it. Photograph by Frans Marais Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus Photograph by George Angus George