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Showing posts from November, 2024

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (138)

Sometimes On A Journey....   The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Tastings of....... The Karoo Barrydale in the Little Karoo Cape Town and Simon's Town  Back at Tafelkop Music   With all our love. And deep gratitude for the love we receive.  George & Matilda  

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (138)

Soms Op 'n Reis....   Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Proesels van....... Die Karoo Barrydale in die Klein Karoo Kaapstad en Simonstad Terug op Tafelkop Musiek   Met al ons liefde. En met groot dankbaarheid vir die liefde wat ons ontvang. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (137)

  Different Perspectives The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Music This well-known song by ABBA is about a relationship coming to an end with the associated emotions, especially when there are different expectations. What stands out, especially in cases where you want to leave room for different perspectives, are the phrases: "I don't want to talk" and "The winner takes it all." Big challenges in any situation. As always, with love. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (137)

  Verskillende Perspektiewe Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Musiek Hierdie bekende stuk van ABBA gaan oor 'n verhouding wat tot 'n einde kom met die gepaardgaande emosies, veral wanneer daar verskillende verwagtinge is. Wat opval, veral in gevalle waar mens ruimte vir verskillende perspektiewe wil laat, is die frases: "I don't want to talk" en "The winner takes it all." Groot uitdagings in enige situasie. Soos altyd, met liefde. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (136)

Treasures From Nature The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Music  May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of his hand. Celtic Blessing                              George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (136)

Natuurskatte Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Musiek Mag die pad oprys ​​om jou te ontmoet, mag die wind altyd in jou rug wees. Mag die son warm op jou gesig skyn, die reën sag val op jou velde. En totdat ons weer ontmoet, mag God jou in die palm van sy hand hou. Keltiese Seën                              George & Matilda