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Showing posts from May, 2016

Loving the exquisite ache

Statue of St Kevin and the blackbird at Knock I recently came across the beautiful Celtic story of St Kevin and the Blackbird. When St Kevin prayed in his hut with arms outstretched, the room was so small that he had to put one arm through the window. One day, while praying in this manner, a blackbird came, landed on his palm and started to build a nest. St Kevin did not want to disturb the new life that was taking shape in his hand and remained in that position until the little blackbirds were hatched, raised and ready to fly away. Christine Valters-Paintner reflected on the story in the following poem St. Kevin and the Blackbird (after Seamus Heaney) Imagine being like Kevin, your grasping fist softens, fingers uncurl and palms open, rest upward, and the blackbird weaves twigs and straw and bits of string in the begging bowl of your hand, you feel the delicate weight of speckled blue orbs descend, and her feathered warmth settling in for a w...

By myself verby

Pinterest Image                                     My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.                                                          -  Dalai Lama Net buite Ermelo gaan ek by ‘n paar rylopers verby. In die verbyflits teen 80km per uur skiet ‘n herkenning deur my, asof dit ek of Eylene kan wees wat daar staan. So ‘n tipe van ‘n kyk-weer-herken. Soos om in n spieël te kyk. Of in my kind se gesig. Ek sien baie in daardie verbyflitsoomblik. Ek sien dat dit 'n paartjie is, met die meisie wat skuins voor die man staan, hom eintlik toestaan. Heel moontlik omdat sy makliker vir hulle ‘n rygeleentheid sal kan kry as hy. Ek sien dat sy nog redelik jonk is. Dalk vroeë dertigs. En dat sy verweer is van baie son en swaar leef. Ek i...

100% Tuition assistance

Photo by Matilda Angus An update is long due on where we are on Adventure: Living School. (See The Living School  and The road to Gaza ). We left off in The road to Gaza  where we applied for financial assistance for tuition at the Living School and were awaiting their decision. We have made it out for ourselves that should we be awarded less than 100% it would be impossible for us to accept the invitation to be part of the 2016 intake. Then the email arrived. Matilda and George, The scholarship committee met and congratulations you have been awarded $3600 each in tuition assistance for the Living School ...Welcome to the Living School. All the Best, Tom 100% Tuition assistance. For the both of us. We couldn't be more surprised. Then elated. Then scared. But we knew without a doubt that there was no turning back from this huge door that has swung open for us. So here we are, filling in the online application forms for our American visas and sco...