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Antipodes. Or the end of the tunnel

The antipodes as depicted  in a manuscript  of  the "Topographia Christiana"
(Kosmas Indicopleustes, 6th century AD)

For some inexplicable reason the adults of my childhood were all in agreement that the end of any tunnel started in South Africa will be somewhere in China. How often have I heard: “If you keep digging here you’ll have to start learning Chinese. When you pop out on the other side of the earth all those Chinese will be standing around the hole looking in and you’ll have to explain to them what you are doing there.” Suffice to say that I kept my holes fairly shallow.

It is the sort of information that you put away as you grow up only to be taken off the shelf again when you have children or grandchildren digging holes in the garden.

This week I discovered that we are all a little off the mark with our calculations. By a few continents actually. And such digging through the centre of the earth right down from where you stand has a very fancy name.

Faithful old Wikipedia puts it thus:

The antipodes of any place on the Earth is the point on the Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points that are antipodal to each other are connected by a straight line running through the centre of the Earth. An antipodal point it is often called an antipode.”

Well, what do you know!

You can even use an antipodes map on the internet ( that will tell you in no uncertain terms where you’re heading should you start digging. What I mean is that it will provide your antipode to the exact latitude and longitude. And fortunately so, because it seems that the majority of the inhabitants on earth have to be better prepared when setting out on such a venture. The chances are very good that you’ll pop out on the other side on the bottom of the sea.

My antipode turns out to be smack bang in the Pacific Ocean 1055 km north west of Honolulu and 2879 km from the Californian coast.

Ever since I’ve stumbled onto the antipode concept earlier this week I have been fascinated by it.

I think it has to do with the fact that I know there is an exact point on the face of the earth that is linked so specifically to me at this point where I am right now, and I actually know nothing about it. Part of me, totally unknown to me.

Without becoming heavy philosophical I suspect that my inner being has its share of antipodes too. Right opposite from where I am now on my inner globe there is something intimately and inseparably linked to who I am right now. And for the most part I have very little knowledge of the conditions at that antipode. The only way to find out is to dig right down straight through the fiery centre.

Come to think of it, learning Chinese now seems to be an easy option.

*    As a matter of interest: 

     When people in the Northern Hemisphere talk about "the Antipodes, they usually refer to 
     Australia  and New Zealand.

     People starting to dig in Argentina or Chile are the only ones who will end up in China.



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