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From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (61)



This week, we just didn't get to the recording of a conversation. From morning to evening, every day, we were moving.

Every now and then we were asking ourselves: why do we still have so much stuff?

  • Shouldn't we just throw out all the books? 

And silence all those voices that are part of the conversation? And how many retreatants have stood in front of the shelves, just to find the right book at the right time? No, we can't. 

  • Rather close the pottery studio? In any case, it will take a few months to get it up and running at Tafelkop. 

However, that is the space where I, Matilda, express myself and where a growing number of people live out their creativity during workshops. It is also a very important spiritual aid. No, it has to stay.

  • Get rid of all my, George's, machines in the workshop? 

We have indeed sold the large engineering machines. That phase in George's life is over and it will also help with funds during this transitioning period. But the workshop is also saving us a lot of money, because it is the nerve centre from where all the repairs and maintenance at the Restory are done. 

No, we need it.

That was how we went through the list sifting, thinking, dreaming, talking, asking. 

It is the fruit of that discernment process that we've been moving whole week. The stuff that makes our retreat centre The Restory. 

We are truly grateful for so much help received:

  • Family members who have helped packing and getting the cottage at Tafelkop ready
  • A 3 ton truck with diesel that has been put at our disposal and without which we could not have moved the large heavy loads
  • A borrowed very sturdy 3 m trailer with which we've moved mountains
  • 3 workers that we would want at our side in any war
  • A farm manager who had the long grass cut around the cottage at Tafelkop
  • Financial donations and interest free loans to help with this layered process. These acts of generosity often had us in tears
  • Friends and neighbours making and bringing food to keep the team fed
  • Messages and calls of support and encouragement

The list is long. Thank you so much.

So, we are almost there. The idea at this stage is is to be permanently at Tafekop from this coming Monday evening. From there we'll tie up some remaining loose ends here at Barrowfield.

The remains of Matilda's beloved studio

The cats and dogs cling to us for dear life. Something is happening.....

An empty room at Barrowfield

The cottage at Tafelkop before the grass being cut 


The cottage in the process of becoming home

And this will eventually become workshop

The Restory remains The Restory, currently going through a phase of reconstruction with adjustments. 

Thank you that we are not alone on this journey.

All our love. 

George & Matilda


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