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Showing posts from September, 2023

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (79)

Wild Sactuary The Conversation Elemente Uit Die Gesprek "Once upon a time, all humans knew their lives, their food, their survival, their sense of meaning and kinship with God or the gods was connected with all their relations: the hawks and soil and ferns and mosquitoes. Like all the other wild creatures, they belonged to the land, and they knew it…. They were part of a grand conversation, a relationship of reciprocity and respect, connecting them with all the other beings and elements of life. But there came a time when some of the people could no longer hear the conversation…. The wax in their ears became hardened, and their hearts pretended that they were happier controlling the world than loving it. They rushed right past the burning bushes on the way to Importance, missing the message of the doe hiding in plain sight with her newborn fawn. They packed the bodies of sacred forest cathedrals onto trucks and shipped them to mills. They forgot that the thrush songs spelled out w...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (79)

  Wilde Heiligdom Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek "Once upon a time, all humans knew their lives, their food, their survival, their sense of meaning and kinship with God or the gods was connected with all their relations: the hawks and soil and ferns and mosquitoes. Like all the other wild creatures, they belonged to the land, and they knew it…. They were part of a grand conversation, a relationship of reciprocity and respect, connecting them with all the other beings and elements of life. But there came a time when some of the people could no longer hear the conversation…. The wax in their ears became hardened, and their hearts pretended that they were happier controlling the world than loving it. They rushed right past the burning bushes on the way to Importance, missing the message of the doe hiding in plain sight with her newborn fawn. They packed the bodies of sacred forest cathedrals onto trucks and shipped them to mills. They forgot that the thrush songs spelled out wa...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (78)

  Sharing In Other's Creativity The Conversation Video: Sharing In Other's Creativity Elements From The Conversation   Music/Dance With love and our wish that something creative will stir in you. Even if it's just a little. It's a start. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (78)

  Deel In Ander Se  Kreatiwiteit Die Gesprek Video: Deel in ander se kreatiwiteit Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Musiek/Dans Met liefde en ons wense dat iets kreatiefs in jou sal roer. Al is dit net 'n bietjie. Dis 'n begin. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (77)

Start With Meaning The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Music Actually, it is always about choices. And sometimes, when we take our one precious life seriously, we are honest about the things that we have chosen that don't make us happy, that fail to speak to our quiet centre.. Things that we mostly can change. Or, if we can't change that, we can. As George Ezra sings: "Give me one good reason why I should never make a change." As always we share this with much love. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (77)

Begin By Betekenis Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Musiek Eintlik gaan dit die heeltyd oor keuses. En soms, as ons erns maak met hierdie een wonderlike lewe van ons, is ons eerlik oor die dinge wat ons gekies het en wat ons nie gelukkig maak nie, wat nie tot ons stil kern spreek nie. Dinge wat ons meestal kan verander. Of as die omstandighede nie kan verander nie, kan ons altyd. Soos George Ezra sing: "Give me one good reason why I should never make a change." Soos altyd deel ons dit met baie liefde. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (76)

  Victim Mentality  The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Portia Nelson's poem captures the healing process of someone with a victim mentality beautifully.  Music Is this a "poor me" that has become so stuck in learned helplessness that he doesn't want to do or explore anything? Or is Henry just lazy and sly? Whichever way, an old favourite. With much love. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (76)

  Slagoffermentaliteit Die Gesprek  Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Portia Nelson se gedig beeld die helingsproses by iemand met 'n slagoffermentaliteit pragtig uit. Musiek Gaan dit hier om 'n "arme ek" wat so vasgeval het in aangeleerde hulpeloosheid dat hy niks aanpak of wil doen nie? Of is Henry doodgewoon lui en slu? Nietemin, 'n ou gunsteling. Met baie liefde. George & Matilda

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (75)

  Making Decisions The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation  Music May the road rise up to meet you. As always, with our love.  George & Matilda