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Showing posts from September, 2024

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (129)

Guard Your Heart “ Above all else, guard your heart,  for everything you do flows from it. ” ‭‭Proverbs ‭4‬:‭23‬ ‭NIV                               Sunrise outside Wakkerstroom (Photo: George Angus) The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Artist: Santiago Vecino ~ ❖ ~ Depth depravation is a common state for most of us. We live in a fast paced often high demand society and It’s easy to miss the sacredness of the life we have been given. Most of us spend the majority of our days skirting around the outer circumference of the inner richness of the life we are living. It seems we usually live in shallow water We suffer from DEPTH DEPRIVATION. The problem is we tend not to notice this. Why? Because when we slow down long enough to catch up with ourselves uncomfortable feelings have a chance to come out of hiding. We don’t want to think about our worries, our regrets, our grief, our longings. We tend to do what ever we can to shove them back down. But if we brave it…..if we look long

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (129)

  Waak Oor Jou Hart “Bewaak jou hart meer as enigiets wat bewaar word,  want daaruit ontspring die lewe.” ‭‭Spreuke‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬ ‭AFR20‬‬                               Sonsopkoms buite Wakkerstroom (Foto: George Angus) Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Kunstenaar: Santiago Vecino ~ ❖ ~ Depth depravation is a common state for most of us. We live in a fast paced often high demand society and It’s easy to miss the sacredness of the life we have been given. Most of us spend the majority of our days skirting around the outer circumference of the inner richness of the life we are living. It seems we usually live in shallow water We suffer from DEPTH DEPRIVATION. The problem is we tend not to notice this. Why? Because when we slow down long enough to catch up with ourselves uncomfortable feelings have a chance to come out of hiding. We don’t want to think about our worries, our regrets, our grief, our longings. We tend to do what ever we can to shove them back down. But if we brave it

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (128)

  Enthusiastic God The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation  George gets his birthday card and itinerary in one, in bed. Music One does not really expect it from him, but just something playful and light from Andrea Bocelli. May the strength of the wind  and the light of the sun, The softness of the rain  and the mystery of the moon  Reach you and fill you. May beauty delight you  and happiness uplift you,  May wonder fulfill you  and love surround you. May your step be steady  and your arm be strong. May your heart be peaceful  and your word be true. May you seek to learn,  may you learn to live,  May you live to love,  and may you love ~ always.       Celtic Blessing                                                         With our love. George & Matilda

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (128)

  Entoesiastiese God Die Gesprek  Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  George kry sy verjaarsdagkaartjie en reisplan in een, in die bed. Musiek Mens verwag dit nie eintlik van hom nie, maar sommer net iets speels en lig van Andrea Bocelli. Mag die krag van die wind en  die lig van die son, Die sagtheid van die reën en  die misterie van die maan Jou bereik en jou vul.  Mag skoonheid jou bly maak en geluk jou ophef,  Mag wonder jou vervul en  liefde jou omring. Mag jou treë bestendig wees en  jou arm sterk. Mag jou hart rustig wees en  jou woord waar. Mag jy soek om te leer,  mag jy leer om te lewe,  Mag jy lewe om lief te hê, en  mag jy liefhê ~ altyd. Keltiese seën                                      Met ons liefde. George & Matilda