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Showing posts from December, 2022

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (39)

  A New Year And The Restory Is Moving The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation  A very handy web page, should you wish to apply the Prayer Of Examen on your experiences of the past year. In the process, 2022 can become rich harvest that can help with your journey into the new year.  The Great Annual Examen (Thank you, Monique Winn, who told us about it) A Few Images Of Tafelkop, The Restory's New Home. At this stage, the lush green grass will be the most wonderful thing of our new place, according to our granddaughter, Ariana. Music   We know that we face a number of challenges in 2023, but every time we visit Tafelkop and stroll around on the old farmyard, we realize it is ideally suited for what we've envisaged when we came to Wakkerstroom, 9 years ago. As was the case with Barrowfield, we want Tafelkop to be a safe haven where people can rest and listen to their heart of hearts, where God is speaking to them.      At 2 000 m above sea ...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (40)

'n Nuwe Jaar En Die Restory Verhuis Die Gesprek  Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  'n Baie handige webblad indien jy die Gebed van Examen of Ondersoek op jou belewenisse en ervarings van die afgelope jaar sou wou toepas. In die proses word 2022 'n ryk oes wat my help op my reis die nuwe jaar in.  Die Groot Jaarlikse Examen (Baie dankie Monique Winn wat ons van die webblad vertel het) 'n Paar foto's van Tafelkop, Die Restory se nuwe tuiste. Op hierdie stadium is die digte groen gras vir ons kleindogter, Ariana, die wonderlikste ding van ons nuwe plek. Musiek   Ons weet dat 2023 besondere uitdagings aan ons gaan stel, maar elke keer wanneer ons daar op Tafelkop se werf loop, besef ons dat dit ideaal geskik is vir dit waarvoor ons 9 jaar terug Wakkerstroom toe gekom het. Soos wat Barrowfield dit was, wil ons Tafelkop ook 'n veilige hawe maak waar mense kan rus en fyn na hul eie harte, waar God met hulle praat, kan luister. By 2 000 m bo seespieël, met al daardie groot, ou ...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (38)

  Christmas 2022 The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation  Music With love and wishes for a blessed Christmas.  George & Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (39)

  Kersfees 2022 Die Gesprek  Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  Musiek  Met liefde en wense dat julle 'n baie mooi Kersfees sal beleef. George & Matilda 

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (37)

Looking Back On The Year The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation  Music A well known piece of music, full of drama and variety - much like the elements of a year - played in an unexpected way. That unexpected creativity adds spice to our days and lives. With love and all our dreams for you. George & Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (38)

  'n Terugblik Op Die Jaar Die Gesprek  Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  Musiek  'n Baie bekende stuk musiek, vol drama en verskeidenheid - wat nogal aan die elemente van 'n jaar herinner - op 'n onverwagse en verrassende manier gespeel. Daardie verrassende kreatiwiteit gee kleur aan ons lewens en dae. Met liefde en al ons drome vir julle George & Matilda 

The Big Game Hunter's Small Bed

  During the time I was struggling with tennis elbows, I haven’t done any woodworking.    It’s been a while now that I’ve been able to work again, but my focus has changed. Now I’m focusing  more on combining Matilda’s ceramics and my woodworking, my own art pieces and bespoke furniture. I’m not taking on new commissions or outside work. And on a practical level, most of my time after recovering from my injuries, has been spent working on the chapel.   Against that backdrop, restoring some furniture that have been brought to me at the onset of my elbow troubles, is a swan song of sorts. And I’m glad these pieces in particular are part of that song.   The 130 year old toddler bed especially, is quite interesting. It has served a grandfather, father and a number of brothers of the current generation during their early years.   It was made in the 1890’s by a cousin of the great grandmother, who was pregnant at the time.. This cousin was a  ...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (36)

  Questions About A Marriage   The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation   Music With much love. George & Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (37)

  Vrae Oor 'n Huwelik Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  Musiek Met ons liefde George &Matilda 

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (35)

  Rest Amidst A Busy Life   The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation  Music In die movie Shawshank Redemption , Andy (Tim Robbins) comes across a record with opera music in a box of donations to the prison library. Among the tracks on the record is also the Duettino Sull'aria (the letter duet) from Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro . In an act of defiance, he locks all the doors of the library and plays the aria over the central loudspeaker system. As if under a spell, all the prisoners stop whatever they are doing, and stare at the large loudspeakers overhead. Thinking back on this experience, Red (Morgan Freeman) says: “I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I’d like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can’t be expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther t...

Vanuit die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (36)

  Rus In 'n Besige Lewe Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek  Musiek In die rolprent Shawshank Redemption  kom Andy (Tim Robbins) in een van die skenkings aan die gevangenis se biblioteek, op 'n grammofoonplaat met operamusiek af. Daarop is onder andere hierdie  Duettino Sull'aria (die briefduet) uit Mozart se Die Huwelik van Figaro . In 'n gebaar van opstand, sluit hy al die deure van die biblioteek, en speel die musiek oor die luidsprekerstelsel van die gevangenis. Asof betowerd, staak al die gevangenes waarmee hulle besig is en staar na die groot oorhoofse luidsprekers. Van hierdie ervaring sê Red (Morgan Freeman): “I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I’d like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can’t be expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in ...