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Showing posts from May, 2023

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (61)

  Meanwhile This week, we just didn't get to the recording of a conversation. From morning to evening, every day, we were moving. Every now and then we were asking ourselves: why do we still have so much stuff? Shouldn't we just throw out all the books?  And silence all those voices that are part of the conversation? And how many retreatants have stood in front of the shelves, just to find the right book at the right time? No, we can't.  Rather close the pottery studio? In any case, it will take a few months to get it up and running at Tafelkop.  However, that is the space where I, Matilda, express myself and where a growing number of people live out their creativity during workshops. It is also a very important spiritual aid. No, it has to stay. Get rid of all my, George's, machines in the workshop?  We have indeed sold the large engineering machines. That phase in George's life is over and it will also help with funds during this transitioning period. But the ...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (61)

  Intussen  Hierdie week, mense, het ons net glad nie by 'n gespreksopname uitgekom nie. Van vroeg tot laat, elke dag, het ons getrek. Elke nou en dan vra ons vir mekaar: hoe is dit dat ons so baie goed het? Moet ons nie al die boeke maar uitgooi nie?  En al daardie stemme met wie ons in gesprek is stilmaak? En hoeveel retrestgangers het nie al voor die rakke gestaan en net die regte boek vir hul tyd en situasie gekry nie. Nee, ons kan nie. Die pottebakkersateljee liewer toemaak? Dit gaan buitendien 'n paar maande vat voordat dit weer in produksie is op Tafelkop. Dis egter waar ek, Matilda, my uitleef en waar hoeveel mense hulself tydens werkswinkels kreatief uitdruk. Dis ook 'n baie belangrike geestelike hulpmiddel. Ons kan nie. Van die masjiene van my, George, se werkswinkel ontslae raak?  Ons het inderdaad 'n hele paar groot ingenieursmasjiene verkoop, omdat daardie fase van George se lewe verby is en dit ook met oorbruggingskapitaal vir die tydperk wat ons nou in...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (60)

  Reminiscing On Barrowfield  The Conversation Elements From The Conversation "Funny how places become people, how this house and her old iron bed still pull me in and offer comfort when I need it."                                         Lori Nelson Spielman Skhumbuzo took this picture  of the setting of this week's recordings. The chapel provided the space needed  to sort out the attic content. Music When, for the last time, you walk through empty rooms and close doors softly behind you. With love.   Thank you that we could share Barrowfield with you. George & Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (60)

  'n Terugkyk Op Barrowfield  Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek "Funny how places become people, how this house and her old iron bed still pull me in and offer comfort when I need it."                                                  Lori Nelson Spielman Skhumbuzo het hierdie foto van dié week se opname geneem. Die kapel was die ideale ruimte om die solder se inhoud uit te sorteer. Musiek Wanneer jy vir oulaas deur leë vertrekke loop en deure saggies toetrek. Met  liefde.  Dankie dat ons Barrowfield met julle kon deel, George & Matilda 

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (59)

Synchronicity  The Conversation Elements From The Conversation Detail: The Creation Of Adam, by Michelangelo  Reporting On A Move Yes, we're still packing and have taken more furniture and paintings to Tafelkop.  An empty house isn't much to show, though. The living room, having changed from warm to bare, remains the best barometer of the process. In the background the pantry is visible through the door opening. It has been turned into a store room as well. Music The theme of this month's music is saying goodbye, moving on, ending something, new beginnings.  Adventure is an element of that as well, while synchronicity forms part of the adventure. This week's music from the Japanese duo, Lullatone, comes from their album,  Soundtracks For Everyday Adventures . Just right under the circumstances. With love.    George & Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (59)

  Sinkronisiteit  Die Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Detail: Die Skepping Van Adam deur Michelangelo Verslag van 'n verhuising Jip, ons pak steeds en het reeds meubels en skilderye aangery Tafelkop toe. 'n Leë huis is egter nie veel om te wys nie.  Die leefvertrek wat van huislik na strak verander het, bly die beste barometer. In die agtergrond, is die spens deur die deuropening sigbaar. Dié het nou ook 'n stoorkamer geword. Musiek Die tema vir hierdie maand se musiek is afskeid, aanbeweeg, afsluit van iets, nuwe begin. Avontuur is ook 'n element daarvan en sinkronisiteit is is weer 'n groot bestanddeel daarvan. Hierdie week se musiek van die Japannese duo, Lullatone, kom van hul album, Soundtracks For Everyday Adventures . Net reg vir nou. Met  liefde.   George & Matilda 

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (58)

  The Depth Dimension Thank you, Heather, who has sent us this after listening to last week's conversation.  The Conversation Elements From The Conversation " Is there anything I can do to make myself enlightened?  As little as you can do to make the sun rise in the morning.  Then of what use are the spiritual exercises you prescribe? To make sure you are not asleep when the sun begins to rise.”                                                                                                                     Anthony de Mello  Reporting On A Move Tuesday morning Friday evening The "store room" filling up. Friday afternoon in the cottage at Tafelkop.  Matilda lost in though...