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Showing posts from April, 2022

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (4)

    Silence "Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know that I am.  Be still and know.  Be still.  Be."                                                       Ps 46:10 The Conversation  Elements from the conversation Let Your God Love You Be silent. Be still. Alone. Empty Before your God. Say nothing. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still. Let your God look upon you. That is all. God knows. God understands. God loves you With an enormous love, And only wants To look upon you With that love. Quiet. Still. Be. Let your God— Love you.                                         Edwina Gateley Music  A master of silence in his compositions and music is the Italian composer and p...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (5)

    Stilte "Wees stil en weet Ek is die Heer. Wees stil en weet Ek is. Wees stil en weet. Wees stil. Wees."                                                       Ps 46:10 Die Gesprek  Elemente uit die gesprek Let Your God Love You Be silent. Be still. Alone. Empty Before your God. Say nothing. Ask nothing. Be silent. Be still. Let your God look upon you. That is all. God knows. God understands. God loves you With an enormous love, And only wants To look upon you With that love. Quiet. Still. Be. Let your God— Love you.                                                   Edwina Gateley Musiek 'n Meester van stilte in sy komposisies en musiek is die Italiaanse pianis en komponis Ludovico Einaudi....

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (3)

  Spiritual Direction  “ What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.  “Teacher,” the blind man answered, “I want to see again.” ‭‭                                                                                             Mark‬ ‭10:51‬ ‭(GNB) The Conversation  Elements From The Conversation "The assumption of spirituality is that always God is doing something before I know it. So the task is not to get God to do something I think needs to be done, but to become aware of what God is doing so that I can respond to it and participate and take delight in it."                                                   ...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (4)

  Geestelike Begeleiding  Jesus vra vir hom: “Wat wil jy hê moet Ek vir jou doen?”  “Rabboeni,” sê die blinde man vir Hom, “dat ek kan sien.” ‭‭ .                                                                                       Mark ‭10:51‬  Die Gesprek  Elemente uit die gesprek "The assumption of spirituality is that always God is doing something before I know it. So the task is not to get God to do something I think needs to be done, but to become aware of what God is doing so that I can respond to it and participate and take delight in it." .                                                           ...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (2)

  Easter As Message  Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground,  dead to the world,  it is never any more than a grain of wheat.  But if it is buried, it sprouts and reproduces itself many times over.  In the same way, anyone who holds on to life just as it is destroys that life.  But if you let it go, reckless in your love, you’ll have it forever, real and eternal.                                                             ‭‭John‬ ‭12:24-25‬ ‭(The Message)   Our Conversation Elements From Our Conversation There is death, destruction, grief, sighs and tears.... Scars of a war, Kyiv, Ukraine, Feb 2022 An old, hauntingly beautiful folk song from Ukraine  (Click on the link to listen) Plyve Kacha  The lyrics, translated into English:  A duck swims upon the Tysyna ...

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (3)

  Paasfees As Boodskap  Ek sê vir julle: As 'n koringkorrel nie in die grond val en sterf nie, bly dit net een enkele korrel;  maar as dit sterf, dra dit baie vrug.  Wie sy lewe liefhet, verloor dit;  maar wie sy lewe in hierdie wêreld gering ag, sal dit vir die ewige lewe behou.  As iemand My wil dien, laat hy My volg;  en waar Ek is, daar sal my dienskneg ook wees.                                                                      Joh 12:24-26 (2020-Vertaling) Ons Gesprek Elemente Uit Die Gesprek Daar is dood, vernietiging, rou, sugte en trane... Letsels van 'n oorlog, Kijif, Oekraïne, Februarie 20222 'n Ou, weemoedige lied uit Oekraïne: (Klik op skakel hieronder om daarna te luister) Plyve Kacha  Vertaal, lui die woorde: 'n Eend swem op die Tysyna [rivier] Moeder van my,...

From The Restory - Conversations On The Journey (1)

The Restory - A Photo Journey In this conversation we tell about our contemplative journey in broad strokes. We would love to hear about your story as well, and if we can inspire and console each other in the process, we'll be glad.  The words of Brianna Wiest beautifully express our wish for you.  Our story And what is a journey without music? Turn up the volume on the open road! (Click on the link at the bottom of the image to listen to the song) Follow The Sun Warm greetings George and Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (2)

Die Restory - 'n Voëlvlug    In hierdie gesprek vertel ons kortliks van ons reis tot hier. Ons sou graag ook van jou reis wou hoor en as ons mekaar in die proses kan bemoedig en aanmoedig, dan is ons bly. Brianna Wiest se woorde is ook ons wens vir jou  Ons storie En wat is 'n reis sonder musiek? Draai die volume harder op die oop pad! (Klik op die skakel onder die veer-prent om te luister) Follow The Sun Groete  George en Matilda 

Vanuit Die Restory - Gesprekke Tussen Reisgenote (1)

Inleiding  Ons begin hierdie week met 'n  nuwe faset van ons werk hier by Die Restory - gesprekke rondom sake en temas wat vir ons belangrik is, wat ons baie op ons lewensreis gehelp het, of wat hulself net op allerlei maniere aanmeld. Ons sal baie graag wil hoor wat julle, ook as gespreksgenote, daarvan dink, so lewer asseblief kommentaar in die ruimte wat hier op die blog daarvoor beskikbaar is. Voorstelle is ook baie welkom. Indien jy sou verkies om dit eerder per e-pos te doen, stuur dit na Ons plaas 'n skakel na ons videos en ander stukke op die blog ook op The Restory Retreat Centre se Facebook blad. Indien jy ons daar sou volg, sal 'n kennisgewing outomaties deurkom sodra ons iets hier op die blog plaas.  Baie dankie vir jul groot aandeel aan ons werk!